Pay Your Child Support Funds Promptly and Responsibly, PM Skerrit Advises

Make your child support payments promptly and responsibly, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has advised Dominican fathers on the occasion of the recent Fathers Day event globally. He said fathers must not only be there financially for their children, they must equally be there emotionally if children are to grow into mature and independent adults.
A father of three himself, the prime minister warned that only irresponsible fathers would be taken to courts before they pay child support to their children. He said a good and responsible father must show love and affection to his father since this is the only way a child can develop bonding with his parent.
“A father’s role in a child’s life is indispensable,” Skerrit stated. “If it means paying up because the court has mandated you to do so, then do it. Make sure that your Child Support Payment is in at the end of the month. Take up your responsibility from Day 1 so that your child is always given the best. Let us show them love and affection.”
The national leader made it clear that it is good for children to have material comforts, but it is not the only thing that must be provided to children. He said children must be disciplined so that they understand the values of truth, honesty, obedience, respect, and cultural orientations. He added that children will become well-adjusted in the society when they take to parental training, and that this is the best way for them to grow into responsible adults themselves.
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