Statement by Chief Elections Officer Ian-Michael Anthony
It has been brought to the attention of the Electoral Office that there is, in circulation, an online publication of a document purporting to be a list of electors which has neither been authorized nor issued by this Office.
The Electoral Office of Dominica reminds the public that the physical copies of the Register of Electors, produced by the Electoral Office for publication or for sale are the only legitimate source of elector information available in the Commonwealth of Dominica.
The Electoral Office does not publish, sell or release for any reason, digital copies of the Register of Electors. Only physical copies of the lists are ever released, as required by law. The Electoral Office also advises against the replication of lists purchased from or issued by the Office.
“We want to make it exceedingly clear that our systems have not been compromised and any elector information released digitally in the public domain did not come from the Voter Management System used by the Electoral Office. As required by law, Electors Lists are published and posted in all polling districts and the public asked to scrutinize the lists and bring any areas of concern to the attention of the Electoral Office,” said Chief Electoral Officer Ian-Michael Anthony.
Registered electors are urged to refer to the published Register of Electors and any subsequent supplementary lists in their respective polling districts or speak with the Assistant Registering Officers in their communities and constituencies to ensure that they have any queries addressed with the most up to date information regarding their status as duly registered.
The Electoral Office of Dominica, under the direction of the Chief Registering Officer (Chief Elections Officer), is the only entity empowered by the Registration Of Electors Act (Chap 2:03) to collect, guard and produce elector information and the production and publishing of these lists are done multiple times per year.
On the September 30th of each year, the Electoral Office is required to publish, in each polling district, the preliminary Register of Electors. The office is also tasked with publishing the final Register of Electors
on the November 30th of the same year, inclusive of all additions to and removals from, the preliminary list. Additionally, supplementary lists are produced each quarter that features any newly registered persons duly registered in the preceding three months. Mr. Anthony continues, “The digital reproduction of the list is something that the Electoral Commission and the Electoral Office have given consideration to from time to time, however there is the recognition that one key factor is the security of any list produced or any online publication of the list. But it is not something that has been dismissed outright. We continue to look at implementing this, once we have the appropriate legal framework and technologies in place.”
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