The Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation in its island-wide fight against littering, has developed a waste management campaign for 2021.
Littering leads to the degradation of the natural environment and is of grave concern to the Corporation. The Corporation recognizes the need to raise awareness of this issue at a national level, getting all stakeholders involved in the fight to ensure proper waste management, and accomplishing its goals through sensitization and education of best practices and behavioral change for proper waste disposal.
As we look at 2021, we will also focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and how this campaign can help in its control by keeping our environment clean. A clean environment reflects personal hygiene. The health protocols established by the regular washing and/or sanitization of hands and maintaining clean surroundings is all part of the drive to proper hygiene. Solid Waste plays and integral role in the country’s litter disposal, and underscores the need for inclusion of everyone to achieve is goals.
Our goal is to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle waste to help in proper waste management, thus getting every sector of society involved, as part of the process, is key. Proper waste disposal is everyone business. This will have tremendous positive impact on our country, once we all work together.
Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation, would be elated to work with you, your company, staff, community, the general public to achieve the goals of proper waste management.
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