
Efforts Continue to Re-establish Visa-Free Travel Between Dominica and UK

The United Kingdom imposed visa requirements on Dominica and four other countries on July 19 last year, citing migration and border security concerns. This decision also necessitates nationals from these countries to obtain a Direct Airside Transit Visa for transiting through the UK. The UK government highlighted abuse in Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Programme (CBI), where citizenships were granted to individuals posing risks to the UK.

Dominica is among several Caribbean Community (CARICOM) nations with a CBI programme, which offers citizenship in exchange for substantial investments in the country’s development.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit addressed the issue at a recent news conference, emphasizing ongoing efforts to resolve the situation with the British government. Skerrit mentioned receiving a positive letter from James Cleverly, the former UK Home Secretary, outlining one remaining issue that needs resolution. Skerrit expressed confidence in achieving visa-free travel to the UK, stating, “There has been some pushback from a legal standpoint, but I believe we will be pushing hard on it.”

He plans to write to the new minister to update on the progress made and to respond to the predecessor’s letter. Skerrit believes that Dominica’s efforts will eventually lead to the reinstatement of a visa-free regime with the UK. He stressed the importance of continuing to improve the CBI programme to ensure its sustainability and transparency.

Dominica has recently taken several steps to enhance the CBI programme. It signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with other Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) countries with similar programmes, including St Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, and St Kitts-Nevis. The MoU covers agreements on best practices, due diligence, a minimum investment threshold of US$200,000, and information sharing on applicants. It also includes measures for financial disclosures, independent audits, and the creation of a regional authority to establish standards. Additionally, it outlines the regulation of agents and joint training programmes for CBI administrations.

Prime Minister Skerrit reiterated Dominica’s commitment to engaging the UK government transparently and respectfully, hoping for a favourable resolution that reinstates visa-free travel for Dominica’s citizens.

This article is copyright © 2024 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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