
Amnesty on Late Fees Due to past Contributions

The Dominica Social Security is calling on ALL EMPLOYERS who owe Contributions on behalf of their Employees.

The Institution is granting an Amnesty, on the 10% Late Fees payable, in respect of debt payments made during the period October to December 2021. Employers concerned are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to make good on their payments without the 10% Late Fee Penalty.

Employers who fail to do so will, thereafter, have their names published in the media.

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Dominica Social Security

Our Vision is to be the cornerstone of retirement and facilitator of income replacement for contributors through the efficient collection of contributions and prudent investments while contributing to socio-economic development. The program is designed to partially replace or supplement income lost by Insured Persons during periods of sickness, maternity, employment injury, and old age.

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