Public Notices

Changes to Contribution Provisions

Members of the public are hereby reminded that, pursuant to the provisions of Social Security (Amendment) Regulations, S.R.O.’s 4, 7 and 8 of 2012, the following changes are to take effect as of 1st January 2024:

Increase in the Contribution Rate:

The contribution rate payable by Employers, on behalf of their Employees, Self-employed persons and Voluntary Contributors shall increase by ¼ % (0.25%) vis:

Category of Contributor Old Rate
(Applicable during 2023)
New Rate
(Applicable during 2024)
Employers re. EE’s with Redundancy 7.50% 7.75%
Employers re. EE’s w/out Redundancy 7.25% 7.50%
Self-employed Persons 13.00% 13.25%
Voluntary Contributors 11.65% 11.90%

Further clarification on these changes can be obtained from the office of the Dominica Social Security or on the DSS Website:

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Dominica Social Security

Our Vision is to be the cornerstone of retirement and facilitator of income replacement for contributors through the efficient collection of contributions and prudent investments while contributing to socio-economic development. The program is designed to partially replace or supplement income lost by Insured Persons during periods of sickness, maternity, employment injury, and old age.


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