NDB’s ATM update

Dear Valued Customers:
If you have had the unfortunate experience of not being able to use an NBD ATM due to service interruptions, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience.
We have been experiencing frequent downtime of our ATMs in recent times. This issue arose with the introduction of the new Eastern Caribbean (EC) polymer notes, which are not being processed effectively by our current fleet of ATMs. We have made several attempts to rectify the situation by upgrading the ATMs, but regretfully, without success.
We are happy to inform therefore, that the Management of NBD has taken a decision to replace its fleet of ATMs to a new brand of ATMs that are polymer compliant. The new ATMs are expected to handle the new EC notes efficiently and resolve the issue of frequent service interruptions.
Eight of the new ATMs have already been ordered and are expected to be installed and operating by the end of this calendar year.
Meanwhile, we thank you for your patience and consideration as we work to resolve this issue and encourage you to use our alternative methods of payments such as merchant Point of Sale (POS) and MoBanking. Click https://nbdominica.com/mobanking/ to view videos on how to use MoBanking payment features.
NBD is desirous of resuming the high level of service that you have become accustomed to at our ATMs.
Management of the National Bank of Dominica Ltd.