The Weather

Unstable conditions & increase rainfall tonight

Forecast for Today:

Cloudy with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms with a temporary improvement during the afternoon.

Forecast for Tonight:

Unstable conditions are expected to continue to generate cloudiness with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms across portions of the island chain during most of today.

Thereafter, by tonight into Monday, a tropical wave is expected to generate an increase in cloudiness with shower activity which could be moderate to heavy at times and isolated thunderstorms across the island chain, including Dominica. Unstable conditions are projected to linger into early Tuesday.

People in areas prone to flooding, landslides and falling rocks are advised to exercise caution mainly during the morning and during tonight into Monday.

Meanwhile, another tropical wave located in the Central Tropical Atlantic is being monitored for development and is expected to approach the area by Thursday.

Residents are advised to closely monitor information on the progress of this tropical wave.

Moderate seas are expected during the next 24 hours with waves peaking near 7.0 feet.

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Dominica Meteorological Service

The Dominica Meteorological Service operates under the watch words: "Constantly Monitoring the Atmosphere". The data and results from the Service's continuous monitoring of the weather are used to provide products and services for national and international use: current weather reports, forecasts and climatological data.

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