Category: Utility Notices

DOMLEC Load Shedding Schedule AUG 19th, 2024
  • DOMLEC Load Shedding Schedule AUG 19th, 2024

DOMLEC is currently implementing load management strategies to adequately manage its generation capacity. As such, the company has initiated service interruptions in various communities on a weekly basis. The expectation

Water Interruption: Warner to Bourne
  • Water Interruption: Warner to Bourne

DOMLEC Load Shedding Schedule July 15th – 20th

DOMLEC is currently implementing load management strategies to adequately manage its generation capacity. As such the company has initiated service in

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Water interruption: Reigate to Castle Comfort

DOWASCO apologizes to customers in Giraudel, Eggleston, Upper Castle Comfort, and Reigate who have been experiencing interruptions in the water supply

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Electricity Supply Interruption 9th SUN 2024

DOMLEC wishes to inform its customers at Bourne, Dos D’Ane, Moore Park, Belmanier, Paix Bouche, Thibaud, Vieille Case, Penville, Lahaut, Delaforde,

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Water interruption: Wall House to Mero

DOWASCO informs customers within its WA1 Network, from Wall House to Mero, that they may experience interruption or low water pressure today May 28th

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Electrical Outages for Thursday SEP 28th

DOMLEC advises customers in the areas listed below of interruptions in their power supply, on Thursday 28th September 2023. Time: 7:30am to 3:00pm:

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Water interruption: Gaulette River to Seneku

DOWASCO informs customers in Gaulette River, Mahaut River and Seneku that their water supply will be interrupted on Monday August 28, 2023 between the

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Water interruption: Soufriere and Scotts Head

DOWASCO informs customers in Soufriere and Scotts Head that their water supply will be interrupted on Wednesday August 16, 2023 between the hours of 9

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Water Interruption: Roseau & Environs

DOWASCO informs customers in Roseau, Bath Estate, Elmshall, Goodwill, Fond Cole, Stockfarm, Yam Piece, Simon Bolivar, Bellevue Rawle, Pottersville, St

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Water Interruption: Giraudel, Eggleston, Reigate

DOWASCO apologizes to customers in Giraudel, Eggleston, Reigate, Pierce and Beau Bois for the unscheduled interruption to their water supply. This int

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Water interruption in Salisbury

DOWASCO informs customers in Salisbury that their water supply will be interrupted on Tuesday July 4, 2023, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.

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Load More Results