External Contributors Policy
Terms & Conditions for journalists, authors, and website users and contributors of user-generated content
The content on this page constitutes our Terms and Conditions for journalists, authors, and contributors wishing to use the DOM767 website. These terms and conditions constitute a legal agreement between the management of DOM767 and journalists, authors and contributors among other website users.
Journalists, authors, and contributors shall be deemed to possess, or acquired, the copyright to any material submitted to DOM767 for publication. Submitting any materials to DOM767 for publication will indicate a complete acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. In a situation where you are not comfortable with this agreement, please do not use our website or submit your material for publication.
Constantly review our website for updated information
These terms and conditions will not be modified in respect of any journalists, authors, and contributors except otherwise communicated in writing to such individual.
DOM767 reserves the right to change or modify these terms and conditions without any prior notice, and it is the duty of website users to check from time to time for any term updates. You are advised not to access our website or post any content or submit any materials for consideration if you are not comfortable with any updates made to our terms and conditions.
Your continued use of DOM767 means you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as amended and updated.
Materials supplied by external contributors are user-generated
Let it be on record that DOM767 is a user-generated content website. It is a participatory media with a strong emphasis on community, conversation, and citizen journalism. What this means is that journalists, authors, contributors, website visitors, and readers, together with the company management generate the content published on the DOM767 website.
To this extent, all parties to this website shall contribute only meaningful, informative, stimulating, factual, and intelligent content for the benefits of our readers and advertisers.
Exclusive rights
It is beneficial to all parties to get some rights clarified in order to forestall any misunderstanding. To this end, the following rights shall apply –
- DOM767 reserves the exclusive rights to publish generated or contributed content on its website, affiliate websites, offline, and in any medium targeted at reaching all targeted audiences – including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, on digital apps, and mobile devices, etc.
- Whether paid for or not, all journalists, authors, and contributors agree to give up their copyrights on any materials submitted to DOM767 for six (6) months – after which the copyright owners can republish the materials anywhere else.
- Pursuant to the above, contributors shall give DOM767 the exclusive right to be the first media to publish any materials submitted for publication.
- DOM767 reserves the right to publish submitted materials immediately or archive it for publication at any later date.
- Any news items submitted to DOM767 must not be to promote the personal interests not hitherto declared in writing to the website publishers. To this end, all materials must be factual and held to high journalistic standards.
- Where initially agreed in writing – journalists, authors, and contributors may be duly compensated or paid for materials commissioned for publication.
- In a situation where materials submitted to us and published on our website generate complaints and negative feedback, the contributor who supplied the material shall not react to the issues raised but must leave the DOM767 management to manage the complaints as we deem fit.
Warranties, indemnities and liabilities
All journalists, authors, freelancers, bloggers, and contributors warrant that –
- The material submitted is their own original work and does not infringe on anyone’s copyrights.
- All submitted materials do not contain any biased, defamatory or libelous matter.
- All user-generated content is not likely to embarrass the DOM767 management or bring the company into public disrepute.
- You agree to indemnify DOM767 against all costs, claims, losses and liabilities incurred when you breach any of these terms and conditions.
- When using our website, you agree to not engage in any antisocial behaviour that could constitute a nuissance to other users. These include but not limited to –
- Abusive or threatening comments
- Sexist, racist, homophobic and obscene comments/materials
- Swearing
- Spamming
- Multiple posting
- Impersonation
- You are aware that your photos may be used with your contributions on the website, and your email and IP addresses may be traceable when you make contributions of any type to our website.
All names, images, logos, and trademarks used on the DOM767 belong to respective copyright owners.