DOMPAGES Search Results

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  • 591
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  • Free Up Farm

    +1(767) 614-3153 Morne Diablotins, St. Joseph, DM
  • 417
  • No Data
  • Ceres Agriculture

    +1(767) 295-8228 Roseau, DM
  • 166
  • No Data
  • $
  • Higher Region Farms

    +1(767) 613-0849 Roseau, DM
  • 219
  • Flex-Time
  • $$
  • Morne Dlo’s Farm

    +1(767) 225-0384 Salisbury, DM
  • 146
  • No Data
  • $
  • Layou Park Nature Farms

    +1(767) 285-3173 Layou Park, Layou, DM
  • 337
  • Closed
  • $$
  • BloomBox

    +1(767) 235-3480 66 Federation Drive, Roseau, DM
  • 228
  • No Data
  • $$$
  • NC’s Country Farm

    +1(767) 617-2353 Bagatelle, DM
  • 287
  • Closed
  • $$
  • Plant Rite

    +1(767) 616-9222 6 Palms, Layou, DM
  • 300
  • Closed
  • $$
  • Jacos Feeds & Fertilizers

    +1(767) 265-3301 Rock-a-way, Canefield, DM
  • 484
  • No Data
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  • Jones’ Agro-Processing

    +1(767) 613-8071 Roseau, DM
    No Data

    Free Up Farm

    +1(767) 614-3153 - Morne Diablotins, St. Joseph, DM

    Free Up Farm is a permaculture farm in the mountains of the Caribbean, exploring climate resiliency and sustainable agriculture. They care deeply about Dominica and the fate of similar nations that are having to manage …

    591 Agricultural $
    No Data

    Ceres Agriculture

    +1(767) 295-8228 - Roseau, DM

    Ceres Agriculture is an online marketplace where locals can engage with their favorite products, farmers, or produce in an easy to use, beautiful, free-flowing app. It also features a database where we provide in-depth knowledge …

    417 Agricultural
    No Data

    Higher Region Farms

    +1(767) 613-0849 - Roseau, DM

    Higher Region Farms is a leading agricultural enterprise in Dominica. It specializes in sustainable farming practices and the production of high-quality passionfruit concentrate. About Higher Region Farms Higher Region Farms is dedicated to producing top-quality …

    166 Agricultural $

    Morne Dlo’s Farm

    +1(767) 225-0384 - Salisbury, DM

    Morne Dlo’s Farm is a sustainable agricultural venture in Dominica. It focuses on organic farming and environmental stewardship and specializes in locally grown vegetables and fruits for local and regional markets. About Morne Dlo’s Farm …

    219 Agricultural $$
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    Layou Park Nature Farms

    +1(767) 285-3173 - Layou Park, Layou, DM

    Layou Park Nature Farms is dedicated to sustainable agriculture in Dominica, offering Moringa Oleifera products that provide numerous health benefits. About Layou Park Nature Farms Layou Park Nature Farms specializes in cultivating and processing Moringa …

    146 Agricultural $


    +1(767) 235-3480 - 66 Federation Drive, Roseau, DM

    BloomBox Garden Center is an innovative and sustainable business in Dominica, founded by Emad Zarkha. It represents a unique blend of commerce and agriculture, focusing on sustainability and providing a range of products and gardening …

    337 Agricultural $$
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    NC’s Country Farm

    +1(767) 617-2353 - Bagatelle, DM

    NC’s Country Farm is the go-to destination for the tastiest local meats on the island of Dominica. They stand out for their signature all-purpose blended green seasoning, herbs, and spices essential to Caribbean cooking. About …

    228 Agricultural $$$

    Plant Rite

    +1(767) 616-9222 - 6 Palms, Layou, DM

    Plant Rite produces Plants, Livestock, Meat, and some Supplies. Products include Vegetable, Herb, Fruit, Indoor & Landscape ornamental plants, Cattle, Goat & Sheep stock & meat; and Growing media.

    287 Agricultural $$

    Jacos Feeds & Fertilizers

    +1(767) 265-3301 - Rock-a-way, Canefield, DM

    Jacos Feeds & Fertilizers is a notable supplier in Dominica, specializing in high-quality feeds and fertilizers. The company provides essential products to enhance agricultural productivity, catering to both local and regional markets. About Jacos Feeds …

    300 Agricultural $$
    No Data

    Jones’ Agro-Processing

    +1(767) 613-8071 - Roseau, DM

    Jones’ Agro-Processing converts locally grown produce into products, such as dried fruits and jams. They are available at wholesale and retail.

    484 Agricultural $$

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