Citizenship By Investment Unit (CBIU) Closed
Citizenship By Investment Unit (CBIU) is a vital entity in Dominica, responsible for administering the country's Citizenship by Investment Programme. This program, established in 1993, is one of the world's longest-running economic citizenship schemes.
About Citizenship By Investment Unit (CBIU)
The Citizenship By Investment Unit (CBIU) operates within the Department of Finance and is the main authority handling all aspects of economic citizenship in Dominica. It manages and adjudicates applications, enforces regulations, and markets the program globally. The unit is currently headed by Marie-Therese Johnson, who plays a pivotal role in continuing the success and integrity of the program.
Functions and Services of CBIU
- Application Processing: CBIU handles the application process, working closely with authorized agents who present citizenship applications on behalf of investors.
- Due Diligence: Conducts thorough background checks on all applicants to ensure the integrity of the program and the country.
- Investment Opportunities: Offers two main paths to citizenship - a monetary contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund and investment in pre-approved real estate projects.
- Economic Impact: The program aims to encourage foreign direct investment in Dominica, promoting economic growth and diversification.
The advantages of investing in Dominica
- Dominica is a signatory of double taxation treaties with the USA and the CARICOM.
- No wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income, or capital gains tax.
- Personal tax only applies if you reside and earn income in the country.
- There is no restriction on the repatriation of profits and imported capital.
- Generous incentive packages include corporate tax incentives, full exemption from import duties, tax relief benefits, and export allowance.
- Currency is pegged to the US dollar, which provides certainty and stability in exchange transactions
Duty-free trading in the Caribbean.
The CBIU's dedicated efforts ensure that Dominica's Citizenship by Investment Programme remains a reputable and beneficial avenue for investors seeking economic citizenship, while simultaneously fostering national development.
- Address Roseau, Dominica
- Phone +1(767) 266-3919
- E-mail info@cbiu.gov.dm
- Website Your Website URL