Marianneboehm.com Open
Marianneboehm.com entailsĀ a trained Personal & Business Coach, Systemic & Teamcoach as well as in Aquatic Bodywork and Trauma counseling SE among other modalities. I guide you to your true self and a fulfilled happy & healthy life. Ask me: https://helloyou.youcanbook.me/
Aquatic Flow sessions & Healing Coaching sessions for releasing trapped emotions caused by traumatic experiences in order to release or lower psychological or physical symptoms in the body, Retreat: Transformation in ParadiseĀ https://marianneboehm.com/retreat/
My heart is my guide Water my element
My path to the true self began almost thirty years ago when I clearly chose a conscious and deeply joyful life. Back then, I had had some very difficult months that had affected my health. This time had awakened me for the first time to a conscious path ā the path of the heart.
And my heart took me around the world. What I had dreamed of since childhood became true: living in distant, warm countries. Especially last ten years I spent at some of my dream destinations, looking for a tropical home with sea view. For three years I have been mainly in Dominica, the greenest and water-richest Caribbean West Indies Island, because water is my element.
On the way, I experienced the immense healing power of water. And so Dominica with all its natural resources became my best choice for my healing and coaching work in water and nature.
What brought me to my work with healing processes in the first place was of course my own way. It was paved with mental and emotional stumbling blocks: all evidence of my own need for healing. So, thanks to dear pioneers and companions, I was able to get too energetic naturopathic treatments and thus really get close to my inner themes. More and more I removed my stumbling blocks and learned to heal my emotional wounds myself.
Before my heart literally led me on this way, the water was always there: in my dreams of tropical beaches as well as real through the North and Baltic Sea, lakes, swimming pools, bathtubs, and lots of rain in my German homeland Schleswig-Holstein. It began there when I was twenty, four months following I experienced constant, physically unfounded heart arrhythmias. The months of stress caused by my fear and panic took away my strength to deal with it further. Because I couldn't find any other help, I surrendered and gave myself to my existence. This devotion healed the symptom: in four days my heart was beating evenly and almost remained the same.
What followed was a year of emotionless exhaustion. When I awakened to a new life, my heart's call to a conscious and joyful life reached me. What I could not do at that time was to recognize the heart symptoms as signals of my nervous system indicating the urgent need for adjustment. Correction by healing my severe trauma, which I had experienced at the age of twelve, and related experiences.
- Address Picard, Portsmouth, Dominica
- Phone +49(176) 56886319
- E-mail hello@marianneboehm.com
- Website Your Website URL