Merlinda Francois

Price Range : $$$ - Pricey


Merlinda Francois is a dedicated money mindset and business coach helping women develop inner belief, monetize their gifts, and become self-sufficient.

About Merlinda Francois

Merlinda Francois empowers women to break cycles of dependency and build businesses that align with their values and talents. Her mission is to help clients create multiple income streams, heal money trauma, and position themselves as leaders. With a focus on personalized coaching and a holistic approach, Merlinda provides tools and strategies to achieve financial freedom and entrepreneurial success.

Coaching and Mentorship Programs

  • 1:1 Coaching offers six-month private mentorship for women of color, focusing on developing an entrepreneurial mindset and intentional living. This personalized coaching helps clients redirect their inner beliefs and achieve high-value identities. Participants learn to stop operating on autopilot and fully embody their potential, creating a life that excites them daily.
  • Break the Cycle Group Program teaches Caribbean women and immigrants to overcome dependency, scarcity, and complacency. The program helps clients upgrade their mindset, make jobs optional, and embrace the abundance they deserve. Merlinda's methodology focuses on stopping the cycle of lack and dependency, allowing women to take control of their financial futures.
  • Content Strategy Development is a 90-day hybrid coaching and consulting program for service-based entrepreneurs. This program helps clients enhance their content strategy and visibility, building a unique personal brand online. Through detailed assessments and strategic planning, participants learn to market their services and attract their ideal audience effectively.

Success Stories and Community Impact

  • Client Testimonials highlight the transformative impact of Merlinda’s coaching. Clients report significant improvements in their mindset towards money, business growth, and overall life satisfaction. One client shared how the Breaking Generational Poverty Program helped her manifest positive changes in her business and life, demonstrating Merlinda’s ability to foster lasting change.
  • Community Initiatives include workshops and retreats aimed at empowering women to achieve financial independence. Events like the Woman Ascending Retreat provide a supportive environment for women to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals. These initiatives reflect Merlinda’s commitment to creating a community of empowered and self-sufficient women.

By offering comprehensive coaching and mentorship programs, Merlinda Francois supports women in Dominica and beyond to achieve financial independence and business success. Her commitment to breaking cycles of dependency and promoting self-sufficiency sets her apart as a leading business coach.



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