River Ridge Press, Dominica


River Ridge Press, Dominica, is an independent publishing imprint founded by Kristine Simelda in 2015. Based in Dominica, the press focuses on publishing and editorial services highlighting Caribbean culture and literature. River Ridge Press was established to facilitate the publication of Simelda’s debut novel, "A Face in the River," and has since expanded to publish various works from other Caribbean authors.

About River Ridge Press

River Ridge Press, Dominica, aims to promote and support Caribbean writers by providing comprehensive publishing and editorial services. The press is known for its commitment to quality and for nurturing literary talent within the region. It has published several notable works, including the "River Series" and other adventure and romance novels that explore cultural and environmental themes.

Services and Publications

  • Manuscript Review and Editing: River Ridge Press offers light editing, proofreading, and editorial assistance to help authors refine their manuscripts and prepare them for publication.
  • Publishing: The press publishes various literary works, focusing on stories that reflect Caribbean culture, heritage, and social issues.
  • "A Face in the River": A fictionalized memoir by Kristine Simelda, detailing the life of an expat in the Caribbean.
  • "River of Fire": The sequel to "A Face in the River," featuring a cross-cultural adventure.
  • "Nobody Owns the Rainbow": A Caribbean adventure/romance with a biotech twist.
  • "Back to the River": A young adult novel combining folklore and time travel elements.

Community and Cultural Impact

River Ridge Press plays a significant role in the literary community of Dominica by fostering local talent and bringing Caribbean stories to a broader audience. The press also collaborates with organizations like the Waitukubuli Writers to support and promote Dominican writers. Through its publications, River Ridge Press contributes to the Caribbean region's cultural richness and literary diversity.



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