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VF Inc.

Price Range : $$ - Moderate


VF Inc. was incorporated on March 9, 2006, as a private limited liability company. The mission of VF Inc. is to deliver solutions to the business community and individuals with integrity and excellence to enhance their productivity and performance.

VF Inc. provides Consultancy Services in the areas of Corporate Governance, Social Security, Organizational Restructuring, Performance Management, Investment Management, Strategic, and Human Resource Management, Job Evaluation and Grading, Small Business Management, and Training.

We also provide special services and programs aimed at the individual focusing on personal development and financial independence. We provide a Recruitment Service, where we place employees with employers, headhunt on behalf of companies, and manage their human resource needs.

Our flagship programs include the “Phenomenal Caribbean Women Symposium,” “Phenomenal Caribbean Men symposium,” “VF Inc.’s Youth Series” “Family Symposium,” and “The Investment Management Seminar.” We will soon be adding the “PCWS Ladies in a Hat with a Heart.”

Opening Hours

Mon.08:00 AM 05:00 PM
Tue.08:00 AM 05:00 PM
Wed.08:00 AM 05:00 PM
Thu.08:00 AM 05:00 PM
Fri.08:00 AM 05:00 PM



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