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Balizier in La Plaine

Balizier in La Plaine is a picturesque area in the village’s western part. Known for its rich environment, it sits below Morne Gouvernaur, with the River Sarisari to the north and the La Ronde River to the south. This region is vital to Dominica’s eco-tourism and agriculture, offering visitors access to natural attractions like Sari-Sari Fall and the nearby Taberi River.

Natural Beauty and Connectivity

Balizier Road and Balizier Back Road are key routes connecting the area and providing access to the La Plaine community. These roads are essential for residents and visitors alike.

The village of La Plaine plays a significant role in Dominica’s Eco-Tourism initiatives. The blend of local agriculture and eco-tourism helps sustain the area’s economy and showcases the island’s natural beauty.