
Delices is a village in the Saint Patrick Parish of Dominica. It is situated between the big settlements of La Plaine and Petite Savanne. Many notable Dominicans were born or are resident in Delices, and the village features several tourist attractions.
Most residents in Delices are farmers, and there are cassava and bay-leaf processing activities ongoing in the village. The farmers also cultivate food and cash crops.
According to historian Lennox Honychurch, the Amerindian people occupied Delices in ancient times before early Caribs settled in the place. The French later occupied the area but they were routed by the British before settlers from Sweden and other places such as Martinique arrived. Many settlers bought large estates for themselves and freed slaves also bought large expanses of land too.
Honychurch said the present location of Delices was bought by Pierre Hirriatt in ancient times. He revealed that the earliest school and police station in the village were situated in buildings on the Belvedere Estate owned by Antony Bertrand.
Some of these attractions include the White River and Victoria Falls, and the famous Jungle Bay Resort and Spa is also located in the village.