Dominica Award of Honour (DAH)

The Dominica Award of Honour (DAH) is the highest national award given by the Dominica government. It was established in 1967, the same year Dominica attained Statehood from Great Britain, marking the start of the island’s journey towards independence. The award is conferred on individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the nation’s development, whether in public service, cultural preservation, community development, or other areas critical to Dominica’s progress.

Significance and Notable Recipients

The DAH is a symbol of national gratitude and pride, with its recipients representing the pinnacle of dedication to the country’s welfare. The award itself is an oval-shaped golden medallion featuring the national Coat of Arms, symbolizing the recipient’s role in upholding the values and heritage of Dominica. The medallion is typically presented on a yellow ribbon with black and white stripes, further enhancing its significance and visibility during ceremonies.

Notable recipients of the DAH include former Prime Minister Dame Mary Eugenia Charles, who was recognized for her leadership and contributions to Dominica’s political landscape, and Dr. Lennox Honychurch, honored for his work in history, culture, and education. More recently, Thea Lafond-Gadson received the award after winning a Gold Medal at the 2024 Parish Olympics. The award is traditionally presented during Dominica’s annual independence celebrations, underscoring its importance as a national symbol of honor and achievement.