Grand Bay

Grand Bay, also known as Berekua or Berricoa, is a town of almost 3,000 people in the Saint Patrick Parish of Dominica. Given its cultural relevance to the entire island, Grand Bay is also often referred to as South City. It is the largest town in the parish and situated along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
Grand Bay is situated in a valley and surrounded by many fascinating mountains. Many of the local residents are farmers, and they cultivate crops for family consumption and public sales. A few engage in fishing activities, and many others engage in commercial businesses.
Grand Bay is a fairly bustling town with fascinating residential areas in major streets. It is also composed of major communities such as Geneva, Highland, Bala Park, and Bolom. However, famous streets include Lallay, Mabouchay, Back Street, Berikua, Powell, Hagley, and Wavin Banan among others.
Several villages are neighbours to Grand Bay and these include Montine, Grand Coulibrie, Dubique, Stowe, Pichelin, Tete Morne, and Bellevue among others. The natives speak Creole even though many can also speak English. But the locals value their traditional ways of life and this is seen in their native Cadence music, arts, and crafts, as well as folk dances.
There is a private radio station in Grand Bay – the first-ever in Dominica, and it is called Radio En Ba Mango.