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Lantana Camara

Lantana camara, or “Spanish Flag,” is a vibrant flowering shrub originally from tropical America. While beautiful, it has become an Invasive Species in Dominica, posing a threat to local biodiversity and ecosystems.

Lantana Camara Ecological Impact and Conservation Efforts

Growing up to 6 feet, Lantana camara thrives in diverse conditions, forming dense thickets that displace native and Endemic Species. The shrub emits chemicals that inhibit nearby plant growth, disrupting the natural balance of Dominica’s ecosystems. Conservation efforts led by the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division and the Ministry of Agriculture focus on control and awareness. The Environmental Protection Act (2002) supports these programs to remove invasive plants, promote native species, and maintain the island’s natural heritage. Sustainable practices encourage Dominicans to preserve biodiversity, allowing native flora and fauna to thrive.