
Laudat is a town located in Saint George Parish of Dominica. It is situated up on the hills and situated between three mountains – Morne Watt, Morne Micotrine, and Morne Trois Pitons. The population of Laudat is less than 400 people, and the town provides direct access to many tourist attractions such as the Boiling Lake, Titou Gorge, and Fresh Water Lake.

Laudat is just 20 minutes drive away from Dominica’s capital city Roseau. Residents and visitors have an unhindered view of the Caribbean Sea since the town is situated nearly 1,200 feet above sea level.

Many residents of Laudat are farmers and businessmen, and there are commercial stores where tourists and natives can shop for household necessities. There are cheap lodgings for visitors who have come to explore the town and its wonders. The rainfall in this town is among the highest in the Caribbean and the air is often cold and refreshing.