Morne Diablotin

Morne Diablotin is the highest mountain summit in Dominica and located in the Morne Diablotin National Park. The park covers 8,242 acres of land which was formerly part of the Northern Forest Reserve. The Morne Diablotin is at a peak of 1,447 metres or 4,747 feet. It was established in early 2000. The name of the mountain peak was derived from the Dominican Creole word for the Black-capped petrel – a small long-winged tube-nosed bird that flies far from land.

One of the major reasons for the establishment of the Morne Diablotin National Park is for the “nature preserve” of the Sisserou or Imperial parrot – Dominica’s National Bird – and the Jaco red-necked parrot. Both parrots are not found anywhere else in the world except in Dominica, and this makes them an endangered or threatened species. The Plumbeous warbler and Blue-headed hummingbird are also only endemic to Dominica, Martinique, and Guadeloupe.

The Syndicate Nature Trail was created with funds from the RARE Centre for Tropical Conservation and Birdlife International, to help tourists navigate the tropical rainforest for bird-watching purposes. Using this trail, visitors can watch rare birds in their natural habitat, endemic animals such as iguanas, bats, lizards, tree frogs, and other species.

Many international organizations visit the park for research on flora and fauna biodiversity. The Morne Diablotin National Park is protected by the National Parks Acts of 1975 and managed by the Forestry and Wildlife Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.