Oliver James Seraphin

Oliver James Seraphin was born on August 2, 1943, and succeeded Patrick John as the prime minister of Dominica from June 1979 to July 1980. The one-year-plus government of O.J. Seraphin – as he was usually called – was often referred to as an “interim government” and he was often referred to as an Acting Prime Minister after his time in office.

Seraphin was raised in Roseau and he attended the Roseau Mixed School and the Dominica Grammar School before proceeding to the United States to study at the Carnegie Institute. He thereafter studied in Cuba before returning to Dominica to work briefly in the insurance sector before joining politics under the Labour Party.

Seraphine served as Minister for Communication, Works and Housing from 1975 to 1979 and later as Minister for Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and CARICOM Affairs under the government of Prime Minister Patrick John. He became the prime minister of Dominica after John stepped down, but was also forced to resign in 1980 when violent crowds opposed his government.

The devastation of Hurricane David occurred in August 1979 during the leadership of Oliver Seraphin, and he was credited with sourcing for foreign funds to rebuild much of Dominica and create homes and jobs for the impacted. He contested the general elections of 1980 but lost against Dame Eugenia Charles who succeeded him as prime minister.