Saint Andrew Parish

Saint Andrew Parish is one of the 10 administrative divisions in Dominica. With a population of 10,461 (2011 census), St. Andrew is the largest parish in the country and the second most populated, bested only by St. George Parish.
There are 12 major towns in St. Andrew parish, and these include –
- Marigot
- Wesley
- Woodford Hill
- Calibishie
- Hampstead
- Bense
- Dos D’Ane
- Anse de Me
- Paix Bouche
- Thibaud
- Vieille Case or Itassi
- Penville
Marigot is the largest and most developed of the towns with a population of about 3,000 people.
There is also a major airport in St. Andrew parish and a major port in the Anse de Me village. The airport accommodates night landing, and the port has a floating jetty to meet the needs of natives and visitors. There is also a fisheries complex in Marigot Bay to cater to fishing and preservation.
St. Andrew parish boasts of one of the best road networks in the country, and road congestion is rarely a problem in this part of the island.
Opposition leader Lennox Linton is from Marigot, and the famous schoolteacher Wills Strathmore Stevens after whom a school is named is also from Marigot. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit was also born in Vieille Case – both in the St. Andrew parish of the country.