Toucari River

The Toucari River in Saint John Parish is a scenic waterway that winds through Dominica’s northern landscapes. Spanning approximately 1.74 kilometres, the river originates near Mal-En-Gamme, flowing past Bernard Estate, before emptying into Toucari Bay at Toucari Beach, adjacent to the popular seaside restaurant Keepin’ It Real. The river’s course intersects with Segment #14 of the Waitukubuli National Trail, allowing hikers to experience Dominica’s biodiversity while exploring the region’s pristine natural beauty.

The Connection Between Toucari River and Toucari Bay

The Toucari River supports the Toucari Bay ecosystem, providing freshwater inflows that sustain the diverse marine environment. The bay, known for its crystal-clear waters, is a haven for coral reefs, seagrasses, and vibrant marine life. Snorkelers and divers can encounter abundant fish species, endangered sea turtles, and colourful coral formations, all thriving in the bay’s nutrient-rich waters. The river’s gentle currents help regulate sediment flow, keeping the bay’s marine habitats balanced.

Flanking the Toucari River are Toucari Ravine and Cimetiere Ravine, two freshwater courses that further contribute to the region’s hydrology. These ravines channel rainfall-runoff, reducing flood risks and preventing coastal erosion. Their presence enhances the area’s ecological value, creating lush riverbanks and supporting various species of birds, amphibians, and tropical plants.