Treasury Building

The Treasury Building is a significant historical and governmental structure located in Roseau, the capital of Dominica. It is located Hillsborough Street in Roseau, behind the Arawak House of Culture and National Bank of Dominica Ltd. It shares the same parking space with the Dominica Government Headquarters, with the Windsor Park Stadium clearly visible.

Treasury Building Historical Significance

Since its construction, the Treasury Building has played a crucial role in Dominica’s administration. It has historically housed the government’s financial and administrative offices, facilitating the management of the island’s economic affairs. This building is a testament to Dominica’s colonial past and its journey towards independence.

In contemporary times, the Treasury Building continues to serve as a pivotal location for the government of Dominica. It houses various government departments and offices that are essential for the state’s functioning.

The Treasury Building in Roseau, Dominica, is a landmark that embodies the island’s historical and administrative evolution. Its enduring presence in the capital highlights its importance as a centre for governmental operations and a piece of Dominica’s architectural heritage. For those interested in Dominica’s administrative history and architecture, the Treasury Building offers a glimpse into the past and present workings of the island’s government.