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Wavine Cyrique Falls

Wavine Cyrique Falls is located close to the village of Rosalie. If you are a tourist coming from outside Dominica, you can take a taxi or bus to Rosalie village directly from Canefield or Douglas-Charles airport. Wavine Cyrique Falls is to the south of Rosalie and is one of the most unusual waterfalls on the island. Once you leave the main road, the hike to the waterfall is about 15 minutes through a dense forest to the cliff overlooking the beach.

The waterfall pours directly from the mountains to the beach. You can descend from the mountains over which the waterfall flows to the beach below using a rope ladder put in place for such purpose. Experienced hikers and climbers will easily clamber down the cliff to the beach using the rope ladder – so it may not be advisable for children and old folks.

The trail to the waterfall and beach passes through the private property of a man known as Nicodemus Lawrence. He will serve as your local guide to the waterfall and help you along the difficult terrain climbing down, while telling you about the plants along the route – all for a small fee per visitor. The waterfall drops at a height of about 150 feet.

For safety reasons, guides advise that the best time to visit Wavine Cyrique Falls is during the dry season of December to April since the waterfall and beach are prone to heavy flooding during the wet season.