Woodford Hill Beach

Woodford Hill Beach is located in the village of Woodfordhill and can also be reached by a bridge in the direction of Marigot village. Woodfordhill is a community of fishermen and the nearby beach provides a veritable source of living to the people. Apart from fishing, the beach is suitable for water sports and all marine activities created for pleasure.

Woodford Hill beach features calm waters, a sandy beach, vehicular access, and suitable for surfing, swimming, and scuba-diving or snorkeling among other things. A note of caution must, however, be sounded that inexperienced swimmers should come out of the waters in rough weather since strong currents and undertows can make swimming fatal for amateur swimmers.

A moderate fishery facility is situated close to the beach so that fishermen could process their catch at the facility. Visitors can relax at ideal spots at the beach or even explore the soft, white sands for pleasure. The waters of the beach are safe to swim in, and visitors can enjoy fascinating sights in and out of the water for memories that will last a lifetime.