Job Description
The Government of Dominica has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of Leveraging Eco-Tourism for Biodiversity Protection (LETBP Project) in Dominica and intends to apply part of the proceeds to consulting services, including Financial Management Specialists.
- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernisation, Kalinago Upliftment and Constituency Empowerment
- Name of Project: Leveraging Eco-Tourism for Biodiversity Protection in Dominica (P170846)
- Assignment Title: Financial Management Specialist
- Loan No. /Credit No. : TF-B9551
- Procurement Plan ID: DM-MOERMKU-439639-CS-INDV
- Duration: Nine (9) Months
- Tentative Start Date: October 2024
- Location: EALCRP Project Implementation Office
Objective of Assignment
The purpose of this consultancy is to provide expert services to support the implementation of activities in Component two (2) related to financial and visitor management. Planned activities will serve as a planning process for the later expected introduction of an electronic ticketing system for all Protected Areas (PAs). Waitukubuli National Trail (WNT), and other eco tourism sites. Activities under this consultancy will also build capacities and improve the effectiveness of the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division (FWPD).
The main objective of this consultancy is to:
- Develop a new pricing model for all eco tourism sites including the Waitukubuli National Trail, and
- Develop a Financial Management System (FMS) at the Forestry. Wildlife and Parks Division (FWPD).
Specific objectives
- The development of a pricing model should cover:
- A review of the current user fee schedule and visitor management system,
- A review of visitor surveys and stakeholder consultations gathered through recent assessments and projects,
- Examples of various types of entrance fee/visitor service fee systems in Protected Areas regionally and globally,
- Examples and recommendations for use of Smart-card-based system fees (annual all- sites pass, annual resident pass, special pass for volunteers, workers, and similar),
- Analysis of existing fee-related policies and legislation that influence fee formulation and changes,
- Examples of best practices using different financial models for management of Protected Area revenue,
- Different entry fee categories, such as, but not limited to:
- Demand management (e.g., different prices for the period of the day or a year with lower number of visitors);
- Individual and group visits (e.g., families, students), bundle tickets (e.g., mountain trails, waterfalls, etc.);
- Researchers, special guests and
- Proposal for a promotion and information dissemination campaigns regarding the new pricing model that will ensure the transparency and clear understanding of the pricing, thus influencing the fee acceptance. For example, informational materials explaining the fee purpose for distribution to tourism industry and media, or explanation that a ticket is not an “entrance fee” but rather a “conservation contribution”.
The fee structure determination should justify the formulation of prices for offered services, and that fees are closely linked to the real costs of providing those services.
The Consultant is expected to facilitate complex discussions with key relevant stakeholders and partners, in particular technical staff of the Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernisation, Kalinago Upliftment and Constituency Empowerment (MERMKUCE), Ministry of Tourism (MT), and Ministry of Finance and Investments (MFI) in determining the best pricing model and consolidate the desired user fee schedule for all eco-tourism sites and the Waitukubuli National Trail.
The Consultant is also expected to facilitate consultations with tour guides and tour operators to gather inputs on visitors’ preferences based on their experiences. The consultations with private landowners that provide access to specific natural attractions (e.g., Jacko Falls, Spanny Falls, Jacko Steps, Victoria Falls, etc.) are also needed to examine possible partnership arrangements with the Government that would enable and regulate access to all eco-tourism sites through the new pricing model.
- The main objective for the design and implementation of the Financial Management System (FMS) is to establish a set of procedures and analytical tools for enhanced financial and visitor management, by beneficiary requirements and the relevant legislation. The FMS should rely on available simple, but efficient open-source tools rather than customized, complex, and expensive IT solutions.The Consultant is expected to work closely with the FWPD technical staff and other relevant stakeholders to propose a set of procedures and analytical tools (herein referred to as the Financial Management System). Consultation should include the Ministry of Finance and Investment to discuss the potential establishment of a separate account (budgetary line) for PAs revenue that would be allocated for their future protection, preservation, and maintenance.
The planning process and design of the pricing model and FMS should consult with the following existing national policies, regulations, planning documents, and relevant assessments to ensure alignment:
- National Parks and Protected Areas Act 16 of 1975 and Amendments No. 54 of 1986, No. 12 1990 and No. 8 of 2001,
- National Parks Regulations - Statutory Rules and Orders (SRO) 54 of 2003,
- National Parks and Protected Areas (Eco-tourism Site) (User Fee) Regulations - SRO 22 of 2008,
- National Parks and Protected Areas (Eco-tourism Site) (User Fee) Regulations Amendment - SRO No. 7 of 2013,
- Forestry and Wildlife Act, 12 of 1976 and Amendments No. 35 of 1982, No. 12 of 1990,
- Forestry and Wildlife (Fees) Regulations No. 19 of 2014,
- Tourism (Regulations and Standards) Act 19 of 2005 and Amendment No. 16 of 2016,
- State Budget Estimates,
- National Forest Policy 2022,
- Tourism Master Plan 2012-2022, June 2013
- Final Draft Business Plan for Cabrits National Park 2023-2028, UNEP 2022,
- Policy and Operational Guidance Notes Forest-Smart Products and Solutions, WB 2023,
- Revenue Generation Feasibility Assessment, UNDP 2020,
- Sustainable Management Plan and Structure for the Waitukubuli National Trail, 2013,
- Audit and Design of Civil Works for Rehabilitation of the Waitukubuli National Trail,
- Conduct preparatory activities that include a literature review, research for PAs revenue and preparation of the detailed work plan. The proposed work plan should include the methodology for the design, implementation, and stakeholder engagement activities.
- Prepare a pricing analysis for all eco-tourism sites and the Waitukubuli National The analysis should cover a review of the current user fee schedules and visitor management systems; analysis of existing fees-related policies and legislation in Dominica; best practices for visitor service fees system worldwide; market rates in countries with similar features; concept of willingness-to-pay; re-investment in improving the facilities, facility management, and demand management.
- Prepare and facilitate consultations and working sessions with relevant stakeholders to obtain agreement on the most desired pricing model for all eco-tourism sites and the Waitukubuli National Trail. At least three targeted workshops are planned to include tour guides, tour operators, and private landowners that provide access to specific natural attractions.
- Prepare the final pricing model for all eco-tourism site locations (inside and outside Protected Areas) and the Waitukubuli National Trail. The final pricing model should contain marketing and promotion campaign recommendations for agreed fee structure.
- Prepare and facilitate consultations and working sessions with relevant stakeholders to obtain agreement on a FMS for all products and services under the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division portfolio.
- Develop the Guidelines for the FMS of the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division Consider potential risks and mitigation strategies related to implementing the proposed FMS and pricing model, anticipate possible challenges and propose plans to mitigate them proactively.
The deliverables must include all the documents that resulted from the analysis performed as part of pricing model preparation, and all the data used in analysis in the digital form.
Specific Deliverable |
Timeline |
Submission of a literature review, research, and preparation of the detailed work plan. |
One (1) month after signing of contract |
Submission of a pricing analysis for all eco-tourism sites and the Waitukubuli National Trail. |
After two (2) Months |
Submission of a report on consultations and working sessions with relevant stakeholders. |
After four (4) months |
Submission of the final pricing model for all eco-tourism sites. |
After six (6) months |
Submission of a report on consultations and working sessions with relevant stakeholders to obtain agreement on a FMS. |
After six (6) months |
Submission of Guidelines for the FMS of the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division portfolio |
After eight (8) months |
Experience and Qualifications
The contracted individual should have a proven track record in financial management with at least eight (8) years of practical experience and knowledge of Protected Areas planning and management.
The individual must possess the following minimum requirements:
- Advanced university degree (MSc. equivalent or higher) in one of the key areas of expertise (e.g.. natural resources management, finance, environmental economics, ecotourism) or another related educational background.
- At least eight (8) years of relevant professional experience.
- At least three (3) projects related to Protected Areas outlining the description of work.
- Proven experience working on projects that include State Budgetary accounting and Treasury proceeds.
- Demonstrated experience in facilitating workshops, round tables, and complex discussions among various stakeholders.
- Knowledge of relevant laws and the social-economic context of the Commonwealth of Dominica or a similar small island developing state within the Caribbean Region is an asset
- Demonstrated experience working with international agencies.
- Fluency in English with the ability to write in a clear and concise manner.
The consultant will work under the supervision of the manager of the Project Implementation Unit or his designate.
Benefits and Others
The Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernisation, Kalinago Upliftment and Constituency Empowerment invites eligible Individuals to indicate their interests to providing the services. Interested Individuals should provide information demonstrating that they have the necessary qualifications , relevant experience and skills to perform the services.
The attention of interested Individuals is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 revised November 2017, August 2018, November 2020 and September 2023 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on Conflict of Interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment i.e., 3.17 (c) & (d) of the Procurement Regulation.
Further information can be obtained at LETBP- Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at the 1 st Floor First Domestic Building, 19-21 King George V Street, Roseau at Tel: (767) 266-3981/275-1957 during office hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Mondays and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays to
Expressions of interest must be submitted by August 14 th , 2024, at 4.00 p.m. Eastern Caribbean time in a written form (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) to the following addresses:
Attn: Project Manager
Leveraging Eco-Tourism for Biodiversity Protection in Dominica Project
First Floor,
First Domestic Building
19-21 King George V Street,
Commonwealth of Dominica
Tel: (767) 266-3981; 3998/275 1957
E-mail: cc.
Job Skills
- English Fluency
- Facilitating Workshops
- Forecasting & Budgeting
- International Agencies Experience
- Relevant Dominica Laws

Ministry of Environment- Phone: +1(767) 266-3564
- eMail:
- URL:
- Address: 1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau, Dominica
Our Mission is to position the Commonwealth of Dominica at the forefront of sustainable environmental management within a climate resilient framework while creating employment opportunities, improving the quality of life of the Kalinago people and promoting rural modernization.