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Blue FlameOffline

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  • Blue Flame
  • New York, United States of America
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I fully support the Tipper Truckers Association. This is not a UWP plot. There’s a recurring theme in Dominica where locals are bypassed for foreign workers, and it's hurting our communities. If we keep letting this happen, we’re going to lose our chance to grow the local workforce and...

Blackmoore's focus on 'responsible communication' in the Lehrer-Snider case seems more like a cover-up than a genuine attempt at preserving the integrity of the investigation. It's alarming how the government and the police are managing this case. Their lack of transparency and accountability is unacceptable. The public's trust in...

Skerrit's administration fails to support DOWASCO adequately, leading to this desperate plea for rate hikes. It's the public paying for government inefficiency.

DLP's neglect and poor leadership are ruining Dominica. This crime is on them!

Pawol, really great Article - this type of discussion and analysis is missing in today's journalism circles. It's really in-depth and I think unbias in its final anlysis.

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