2020 Labour
RasTa Joe
Tiffany Burnette
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Leaked WhatsApp Chat Reveals Linton Is Selling Public Land
- 3rd October, 2019
I am sorry that's not journalism. The article is too long. Filled with desperate nuances and rhetoric. Its really a pathetic attempt to boost the image of the UWP leader. I expected better from Alex - he paints this picture of being fair/balanced and walking the divide - but...
Well use the big money you have and help raise the salaries - You just trying to spread your propaganda as Always. All talk - HELP instead ok!! Try to make some difference than just words.
Contest which Election. I can you see the article praising him as the next Messiah. Very little hope with what UWP might try. IF he is smart, he will beg the PM for an opportunity. But no need, our candidate is the PM - no one ever stands a...
Listen, there are too few sponsorers and even less money to go about for winners purse. To pump money into a camp, or taining or workshop is great idea, but we are too limited.
How does that man expect to grow the economy by 7% every year? There is no precedent. They must be just wishful thoughts, clearly demonstrating a lack of governance and management. These are some outrageous claims and promises. Dominicans beware, this is a real wolf in sheep's clothing. I...