CulturePress Release

2019 National Schools’ Arts Festival Begins

The 2019 National Schools’ Arts Festival is scheduled to be held from Monday April 8th to Friday April 12th 2019 from 9 am to 1 pm every day.

From Monday April 8th to Wednesday April 10th the events will be held at the Goodwill Parish Hall and from Thursday April 11th to Friday April 12th the venue will be the forecourt of the Windsor Park Sports Stadium.

The schedule of events will start off with an opening ceremony on Monday April 8th at 9 am at the Goodwill Parish Hall. The opening ceremony will be followed by performances by School Choirs and Choral Speech groups.
On Tuesday April 9th the morning event will feature drama presentations by the Primary Schools and on Wednesday April 10th there will be drama performances by the Secondary Schools.

On Thursday April 11th, the venue for Schools’ Arts will shift from the Goodwill Parish Hall to the forecourt of the Windsor Park Sports Stadium and on that day there will be schools’ music bands and vocal solo performances. On the final morning of Friday April 12th there will be creative dance presentations by both Primary and Secondary Schools.

At the opening ceremony of the National Schools’ Arts Festival on Monday April 8th addresses are expected to come from the Hon. Minister for Tourism and Culture, Mr. Robert Tonge and the Chief Cultural Officer, Raymond Lawrence.

The National School’s Arts Festival is a bi-annual event organised by the Cultural Division and the National Cultural Council.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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Division of Culture

The Division of Culture is responsible for for the preservation and promotion of Dominica’s cultural heritage and all its various expressions: provision of support for Dominica’s cultural industries’ sector; encouragement of cultural exchange with other countries; assistance with poverty alleviation through arts and culture; building of the institutional capacity of the Division of Culture; management and maintenance of Dominica’s arts centres.

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