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5,000 Houses: Roseau Valley to Experience Remarkable Housing Revolution

The parliamentary representative for the Roseau Central Constituency, Joseph Isaac, has revealed the DLP administration’s plans to complete 5,000 resilient houses in Dominica. Starting from the Roseau Valley, the government said 156 new housing constructions will be completed within the next two weeks. The new houses will materialize at the hands of the MMCE with due funding with CBI funds.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit; Dr. Collin McIntyre – parliamentary representative for Roseau Valley Constituency; Dr. Irving McIntrye – DLP candidate for the Roseau Valley Constituency; and Christopher Timmins – Roseau Housing Development Programme MMCE Ltd, all unveiled the plans for the housing revolution coming to the Roseau Valley.

According to Isaac, the housing revolution will extend from Roseau Central to Roseau North to Bellevue Chopin and beyond across the length of the city. This is in pursuance of the government’s plan to make Roseau the first climate-resilient green city in the Caribbean. Meanwhile, the government also plans for a Botanical Gardens Development Project in the city, together with a Roseau Fresh Produce Market complete with a parking facility.

Prime Minister Skerrit, who also happens to be the Minister of Housing and Lands, said quality housing is important for all because a lack of housing is a major indicator of poverty.

“Many of you are either renting, you have been able to put together a small shack on somebody else’s land, you were unable to expand as your family grows…you are unable to have adequate sanitation and those of us who rent – the landlords – are not diligent as they supposed to be,” Skerrit disclosed.

Apart from building residential houses for people in the city, the prime minister said it is also important to construct shops for business purposes along the residential areas.

“We have so many entrepreneurs in the city,” he said. “People with all sorts of little shops selling different things. You have the hairdressers, barbers, the young ladies who are doing the nails…and the braiders and so forth and we wanted to ensure that we made allowance for these people.” 

Timmins and his MMCE team thanked the Skerrit administration for the housing contracts, saying they will continue to do more to meet the 5,000 house goals of the government within the shortest time possible. To this end, the Bellevue Chopin Housing Project is complete and due for handover to the Petite Savanne people in a ceremony to be carried out on Saturday, November 9.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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