Press Release

Alpha Centre Marks 50th Anniversary with Special Events and Honors

The Alpha Centre, School for children with Disabilities, launched a week of activities on Monday 24th June 2024, to celebrate its 50th anniversary of existence.

The launching ceremony was held at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church and was attended by her Excellency Sylvanie Burton, President of the Commonwealth of Dominica and Mr. Burton,  Honourable Minister for Education, Mrs Octavia Alfred, Msgr William John Lewis, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Roseau, officials of the Ministry of Education, Members (past and present) of the Board of the Alpha Centre and students, staff and parents.

The ceremony was addressed by the Chairperson of the Board, Mrs Melena Fontaine and the Hon Minister for Education, Mrs Octavia Alfred.

Both speakers gave details of the strides made in Dominica in the field of special education.  Minister Alfred also spoke of the plans of her Ministry to enhance the delivery of special education in Dominica.

Three persons were recognized as having given long service to the Alpha Centre:

  1. Mrs Rhona Fingal (post humously) who was a founding member of the Centre and served as chairperson for over 20 years.  She was instrumental in overseeing the construction of the Centre at its present location on McIntyre Lane in Goodwill.
  2. Mrs Claudia Bellot who was a founding member and served as chairperson for 20 years.  She supervised the extension of the Centre to include a Principal’s office, sewing room and computer room, funded by the Basic Needs Trust Fund.
  3. Mrs Sarah JohnBaptist who gave dedicated service as a qualified teacher for  25  years and provided teacher training to the staff.

Other activities for the week include:

  • Tuesday 25th June   – Open day at Alpha Centre, with an exhibition of the work of the students
  • Wednesday 26th June –  Sports day for students at the Lindo Park
  • Thursday 27th June  –   Field Trip for students and parents
  • Friday 28th June  –  Report Card day at Alpha Centre
  • Saturday 29th June – Fundraising Anniversary Dinner at the Goodwill Parish Hall.

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