BusinessPress Release

BCAD’s response to the SRO 15 is “Stay at Home”, to all construction workers

BCAD Executive met by teleconference on 3rd April 2020 to deliberate on the Government’s consideration of construction as an essential service, as obtained in SRO 15 of 2020, and to review this new situation as it will impact and potentially affect the local construction sector within the circumstances of the COVID19 pandemic, and the sector’s collateral impact on the wider private sector and the public as a whole.

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Contributions were received and made by the following Executive Members:

  • Mr Gregor Fortune
  • Mr Delbert Paris
  • Mr Kevin Henderson
  • Mr Melkezideck Toussaint,
  • Mr Steve Astaphan,
  • Mr Stewart Paris
  • Mr Anthony Le Blanc.

SRO 15 of 2020 – Emergency Power (Disaster) – (Curfew) Order

SRO 15 of 2020 was Gazetted and came into effect on 1st April 2020.

  1. Section 7(1)(g) provides “Subject to paragraphs 3 and 5, every non-essential establishment, or business shall remain closed except for the following – … (g) Construction and manufacturing projects, … may open between the hours of 6:00 am and 4:00m pm Monday to Friday.
  2. Section 7(1)(g) (i) to (v) provides that work on-site are subject to compliance with increased attention to sanitation, provision of additional PPE (face mask) and maintenance of 2 m ( 6 ft 8”) social distances for workmen as far as reasonably possible.
  3. Section 12 limits passengers to one person per row with no passengers allowed at the front with the driver.
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This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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