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BPW to Tackle Domestic Violence and Abuse, As Well As Incest In 2020

The Business and Professional Women of Dominica (BPW) said they are resolved to tackle gender-based violence and domestic abuse such as incest. BPW’s President, Rhoda St. John, said these problems had always been in the Dominican society but it is time to tackle them with all seriousness, going forward in 2020.

St. John said men are not the only gender abusing women, but women are also known to practise violence to men. She said the menfolk tend to keep mute when women abuse them, but the womenfolk are more vocal about their troubles with men. She said domestic abuse comes in various forms and they are all wrong and terrible.

“Whether it is verbal abuse, physical abuse, or emotional abuse, all forms of abuse is wrong; and sometimes verbal abuse is even worse than physical abuse, because it leads you to depression,” St. John said. “It leads you to commit suicide; it leads you to isolation and so much more.”

She further revealed that the BPW will be more proactive in championing the cases of victims of incest – most especially children sexually abused by family members and relatives. According to her, the authorities will no longer cover up cases of incest in the country because it is bad to do so.

“Too often we see incest happening in our country and it is all covered up because nobody wants [Dominica] to look so bad,” the BPW president said. “Yes, we are a beautiful island but if we have damaged generations, we will have a damaged future. To prevent that, we need to protect our generations now – our young people. We’re going to be fighting for the rights of the child, the protection of the child and the future of the child.” As part of measures for the situation, St. John reiterated her call for the implementation of a sex offenders registry in Dominica.

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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