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Calypso is the event which takes center stage

Calypso is the event which takes center stage as we begin the New Year and so there was a scramble for songs even when no calypsonian or prospective calypsonian, even considered attending any of the workshops in songwriting organized during the latter quarter of 2018. In fact, Signal Band and the Smith Brothers were the only established musical outfits who attended. I must also mention veteran Janet ‘Angel’ Shillingford.

Already it was grossly inadequate but now it is bordering on ridiculous particularly as a country’s mental capacity can be gauged by its readership of books, appreciation of documentation and levels of research, history, and preservation for future generations. If Dominica’s history is carried around in the pocket of Dr. Honychurch, can a student of history or the visitor to our shores get access to it in print, video or audio?

Where are the national spaces and places to debate, to discuss, to have seminars, workshops? Well, if there are many more important edifices and things to do, then don’t complain about the levels of literacy and discourse we experience every day on the talk shows.

I want to compliment the new president of the Dominica Calypso Association (DCA) under whose stewardship I recognize their sense and appreciation for history as they have commenced a mini project to display, in the Calypso House, some past calypsonians, monarchs, and presidents. Why can’t the same be extended on a national level? Did I hear someone say lack of vision?

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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Ian Jackson

Hi, I am Ian Jackson fondly and artistically known as “ Jacko”. I have found that scores of people approach me for information as a 30 year weekly columnist on the arts and author of several literatures. More so in my profession as a teacher of Business and English, I have made it my business to share, impart knowledge and exchange ideas.

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