
CAPA Election Poll: Skerrit leads Marcellin in Vieille Case constituency

The DLP would probably not hold on to the ruling majority in the government of Dominica if elections were held today.

The poll questionnaire was presented in the following order:

Date:      /       /       
Constituency: …………………………….,

Area: …………………
Time: ………………
Gender: ………

Age: [18 – 25]       [26 – 50]      [51 – 65]       [65 and over]  

Education: [Elementary]       [Secondary]       [College]       [University]  

Employed: [Yes]      [No]

  1. Which political party candidate/representative is more in touch (on the ground) with the voters/people in your constituency? ……………….
  2. Which political party candidate/representative will you vote for at the next general elections? ……………………………………………
  3. Which political party/candidate did you vote for at the last election? …………………………..
  4. Will the present economic uncertainty in Dominica influence your vote? [Yes]      [No]
  5. Are you registered to vote?  [Yes]      [No]
  6. How likely are you to vote for candidates and/or political parties who offer money and valuable items like appliances?  [That is not likely] [Very likely]        [Somewhat likely]        [No likelihood]
  7. Will you vote at the next Dominica general elections?  [Yes]      [No]   [Not sure]
  8. How many people left your household/family for overseas following Hurricane Maria? [1 – 3]       [3 – 5]       [more than 5]       [No one left]
  9. How many of the family members who left have or planned to return, especially for elections?  [1 – 3] [3 – 5]       [none]
  10. How many Haitian nationals reside in your area?  [1 – 10] [10 – 25]       [between 25 – 50]       [over 50]
  11. How many Haitian nationals do you believe or know will or can vote at the next Dominica general elections in your area?  [1 – 10]
    [10 – 25]       [between 25 – 50]       [over 50]
  12. Do you think that the present DLP government has performed well enough to convince you to vote them into office for a fifth consecutive 5-year term?   [Yes]      [No]

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

Caribbean Agency for Political Advancement
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Alexander 'Pawol' Bruno

Alex is a trained and experienced Media-Communications Specialist. He has spent almost two decades on media in the Caribbean from his Island home, Dominica, The Nature Island of the World. Alex is now based in Florida U.S.A, where he has set up a business outlet "One Caribbean Culture" to focus on issues with relations to Caribbean peoples and how Caribbean cultures interface with others.

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