Press Release

Clean the Elector’s lists and Issue Voter ID Cards, says Electoral Reform Effort Group

The Electoral Reform Effort Group, which comprises of Church, Business, Trade Unions and Civil Society leaders continues to reiterate the need to ensure that the necessary electoral reform respecting the cleansing of the electors lists and issuance of voter identification cards is pursued with the urgency necessary to obtain creditability in Dominica’s electoral process at the next general elections. The effort to maintain public peace cannot and should not be undervalued.

We note that in June 2018 the Electoral Commission declared in a press release that it were to commence the House to House Voter Verification exercise from 1st July 2018 for the purposes of improving the accuracy of the Electors Registers and the collection of data for the issuance of voter ID cards. The Electoral Commission then enthusiastically declared that it would complete the process in six (6) weeks.

We also note that the recommended method of the Special Joint Mission for cleansing the electors list is the same House to House Re-verification exercise proposed by the Electoral Commission over sixteen (16) months ago which ought to have been completed, according to the Electoral Commission’s timetable, before the end of August 2018.

It is with much regret that Electoral Commission has retracted from this laudable path and instead seems to be acting in ways that does not seem to be in the general interest of the country and does not ensure that its self-acclaimed good record of administering general elections continues.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

Electoral Reform Effort Group
Anthony E. Le Blanc
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