Press Release

Clean the Elector’s lists and Issue Voter ID Cards, says Electoral Reform Effort Group

The Electoral Reform Effort Group, which comprises of Church, Business, Trade Unions and Civil Society leaders continues to reiterate the need to ensure that the necessary electoral reform respecting the cleansing of the electors lists and issuance of voter identification cards is pursued with the urgency necessary to obtain creditability in Dominica’s electoral process at the next general elections. The effort to maintain public peace cannot and should not be undervalued.

  • The Electoral Commission to move urgently to implement the recommendations of the Special Joint Mission in their entirety as far as practical, including making the appropriate regulations to enable its work.
  • The Government to provide all and any additional financial and other resources necessary, in order to enable the Electoral Commission to complete the necessary reform activities before the next general elections.
  • The political parties to cease all their parties’ interference in the work of the Electoral Commission.
  • The political parties, and other concerned citizens or bodies, to consider instituting legal action to guide the process of reform, if all else fails, in order to ensure that the Electoral Commission undertakes the timely necessary reform before the next general elections.
  • Every and all citizens to renew their commitment to collaborate in resolving Dominica’s electoral challenges, to pray and work for peace, and do all in our own locality and influence to avert the occurrence of civil disturbances in the wake of a general election. Our country deserves our peaceful collaborative effort at rebuilding; let peace flow from our work for a just society and systems of governance!

God bless the Commonwealth of Dominica.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

Electoral Reform Effort Group
Anthony E. Le Blanc
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