
Clement Marcellin, A Shining Star from the North

This weekend all roads will lead to Penville to witness the launch of one of the United Workers Party (UWP) most astute and promising candidate contesting the next general election constitutionally due in 2020. The excitement in the constituency and nationally is already pitch high and by the time Saturday arrives, euphoria will engulf the entire constituency even in the face of unimaginable sadness as the community is mourning the sudden loss of one of its own. Unlike any other candidate in the history of the constituency, Clement Marcellin, a Penvillian by birth, has been able to command the respect and the support of the youth, working class and seniors alike seemingly with great ease. Not even the Honorable Prime Minister has made this kind of inroads so fast in his glory-days as the peoples’ candidate. Clement remains annoyingly humble but has a touch of class and elegance that keeps drawing people to him. I have little doubt that he will be a great Parliamentary Representative, communicator and breath of fresh air into the corrosive local politics that left huge scars right across social and moral spectrum of our community.

The obvious question people keep asking is how has Clement been able to do it so fast and more ominously for Skerrit, what will happen come Election Day in the Vieille Case Constituency? Even the staunchest defenders of Skerrit are thrown into perpetual panic mode. Since the leak of Clement’s intention to contest the next general elections in March, red flags emerged overnight on every conceivable plant, pole and sign board from Blenheim to Delaford. While I have always enjoyed the paraphernalia and party symbols that precedes an election, this time the excessive adornment of the community with red flags is untasteful if not, repulsive. Is this a declaration of nervousness and fear? I think it is. This time around Skerrit will need to pull a rabbit out of his hat to turn the tide on its head.

Clement is armed with a simple slogan I understand- “A choice you must make” and a vision that captures the collective will and aspiration of his people. He has turned that into plans and programs for the creation of sustainable jobs, youth empowerment, incentivized opportunities for small businesses to grow and develop and a master plan to revive agriculture for the hard working farmers of area. His vision is part of a wider national strategy the UWP has put together to revive all of Dominica’s ailing productive sectors. He gave me a snapshot of what his launch speech will focus on and frankly, this man is very much focused, smart and has the interest of the constituency at heart. I would encourage everyone in Dominica and abroad to tune in to social media to listen to his plans and programs during his launch.

Dominica needs more brave and honest men like Marcellin to stand up in its defense, selflessly and dutifully to rescue the dreams and hopes of so many men and women who have been oppressed and invisible to their government. This can be the turning point of Dominica’s darkest days and the ushering of a new era of unquestioned allegiance, patriotism and national pride, which no other politician or political party will be able to compromise. Dominicans are known for their resilience and ability to defy the odds. We are a proud people. Clement has demonstrated unequivocally his disdain for corrupt government practices, nepotism, and greed.

His leadership and call to service should set in motion a national drive and outcry against politics of revenge and exclusion.

And who say politicians are all from the same breed. The Caribbean has seen great and luminary leaders like Eric William, Owen Arthur, and our very own, Dame Eugenia Charles among others who worked hard to uplift their countries often at their own expense. Clement is duty bound to emulate the footsteps of these great leaders and bring about the transformative change that our politics is badly in need of. As beacon of hope for young people, I trust he will honour the sacrifices of the many courageous leaders that have gone before, embracing the talent, skills and creativity of young people to bring about meaningful change. I charge all constituents to hold him accountable and demand of him the highest level of representation there is. It is high time we move away from begging politicians favour to consultative politics, based on mutual respect.

Let’s watch him closely as he enters the political arena. His strength and resolve should not only be judged by what he will say come Saturday night but by the restraint he will exercise and gracefulness and confidence of how he will articulate his visions and plans to the constituency.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

Political Observer
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