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Commonwealth of Dominica Commonwealth Scholarship Alumni Association

The Commonwealth of Dominica Commonwealth Scholarship Alumni Association (CDCSAA) was recently established by a steering committee comprising of four Commonwealth Scholarships alumni, including Dr. Ian Lambert, Jo-Ann George, Lester Guye, and Dr. Valda Henry.

The key objectives of the association are to provide a platform to bring together Commonwealth Scholarships alumni in Dominica to support their work and academic and professional development and raise awareness of Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship opportunities in Dominica.

The newly formed association hopes to bring together alumni through events and activities, including Commonwealth Day. which takes place annually in March, and promote Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship opportunities to potential applicants by sharing news of application deadlines and criteria through social media channels.

The initiative for CDCSAA was developed by Commonwealth Scholarships alumni as a way of promoting the relevance and effectiveness of Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships, and the impact of these opportunities on their recipients and in supporting national development in Dominica. CDCSAA are in the process of advocating for young people to be more aware of these educational opportunities.

If you are a Commonwealth Scholarships or Fellowships alumnus living in Dominica and would like to connect with the association, please contact Jo-Ann George at dcommonweallhscholar@gmail.com

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) offers opportunities for postgraduate study. research. and professional development to citizens across the Commonwealth.

Our primary funder is the Department for International Development (DFID). which supports scholarships for individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

Commonwealth of Dominica Commonwealth Scholarship Alumni Association (CDCSAA)
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