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Law & CrimePress Release

Concern over recent deaths of young males in Dominica

It is with profound sadness and great concern that we address the recent deaths of males, particularly young males, in the Commonwealth of Dominica. We reach out to the families of the victims who lost their loved ones as well as to the families of those who caused the death of others, for they too carry a burden. Family Empowerment Movement Inc. is perturbed by the enormous stress and distress, and other mental health issues, that these killings and anti-social behaviours are causing all the affected families and all other concerned Dominicans.

We need to re-visit our traditional values including family values, though many may rightly argue that it is of the past and this is now a new generation. However, this new generation needs guidance to help them understand the importance of traditional values, norms and principles that are being challenged and redefined to reflect and satisfy a changing global village. However, these values are needed to train, guide and direct our families, our citizens and our Nation. We need to address tolerance, provocation and respect.

We need to re-visit the presence of God in our midst: in our homes, schools, communities and in our Land. This Land of ours, Dominica, belongs to God: He will always be there to intervene and act on our behalf but we must seek Him. God’s Word is ever present to lead and guide us. Ps 119 verse 105 says: Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

We need to pay more attention to the activities that our youth are exposed to and practicing, and this we need to do from early childhood. We need to place more emphasis on the education of males, especially our boys in the school system, by providing them with more practical skills and diverse learning opportunities. They are challenged while in search of success under trying and difficult situations. We need to inculcate those family values and principles that are required to train our children and engage them in building a gentler, kinder and respectful society. Our leaders must demonstrate positivity and disperse negativity and put down of others. Respect for self and others must be the key for growth and development.

Now, more than ever, is the time for unity: in our families, in our communities, in our schools, in our political arena, among all Organizations including church denominations, at the work places and others.

The Commonwealth of Dominica is ours to build and protect. We all have responsibilities to secure and maintain a healthy, safe, caring and loving Nation. Adults, leaders and caregivers, let us lead the way, let us come together: Let us be positive role models and make a difference in the lives of all, particularly our children and youth as we prepare them to be respectful, tolerant and God-fearing. Dominica is ours.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

Family Empowerment Movement Inc.
Contact: Thomas Holmes, Chairman at 617-0110 or 277-7799 thomasjholmessr@gmail.comContact: Eric James, Deputy Chairman at 235-6767
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