Press Release

DASCI Launches 2024-2025 Scholarship Program for Dominica’s Secondary School Entrants

Dominica America Scholarship and Culture, Inc. (DASCI) is accepting applications for scholarship assistance from Primary School graduates in Dominica who will start Secondary School in the 2024-2025 school year. DASCI has selected the following thirteen (13) Primary Schools to participate in this year’s Scholarship Program: Roosevelt Douglas, Woodford Hill and Temple SDA in the North Zone, Bagatelle, Wotten Waven and St. Luke’s in the South Zone, Belles, Delices and Grand Fond in the East Zone and Salisbury, St. Martin Primary, St. Mary’s Primary, and Campbell in the West Zone. A minimum of twenty (20) scholarships will be awarded to deserving applicants this year. Applications must be emailed or posted by May 1, 2024.

School principals play a crucial role in facilitating the application process for their students. For this reason, Principals of the thirteen (13) named primary schools have already been notified of this opportunity for scholarship aid for students transitioning to high school.

Dominica America Scholarship & Culture, Inc. (DASCI) is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization mostly comprised of Dominicans. The organization has been awarding scholarships to Primary School graduates in Dominica since 2007 and, to date, has awarded 117 scholarships valued at US$ 72,950. Scholarships are open to students in need of financial assistance who meet the requirements set out in the application.

“DASCI members and supporters are motivated and committed to continue helping students in need” said Patricia David, President of DASCI.

Every year, the organization invites students from a select number of Primary Schools to apply. Different schools from different school zones are chosen each year so that, over time, all schools will have an opportunity for their students to participate in the Scholarship Program.

For the primary schools chosen for 2024, please use this form to apply:

2024 Application – Dominica

This article is copyright © 2024 DOM767

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Dominica-America Scholarship and Culture, Inc. is a non-profit and non-political organization founded in 2003 (and granted 501(c)(3) status in 2013) that operates exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Membership is limited to people who are Dominican by birth, naturalization, marriage or family, or who claim Dominican citizenship and are interested in sharing and upholding Dominican and Caribbean culture.

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