Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), in collaboration with the Outsource Development Center, successfully conducted a conflict resolution training session for Tourism Hair Braiders and Vendors on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at the National Development Foundation of Dominica (NDFD) Conference Room.
The session equipped participants with essential conflict resolution skills tailored to their roles. The topics covered included understanding the root causes of conflicts, communication skills, listening techniques, conflict styles, emotional intelligence, and recognizing and managing emotions to resolve conflicts. Dr. Precious Anthony facilitated the session.
Ms. Odile Jno Baptiste, Product Promotions Manager at Discover Dominica Authority, expressed satisfaction with the participants’ active engagement and sharing of experiences during the training sessions. She is confident that participants have acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills that can be applied professionally to improve the quality of service delivered to visitors.
Upon completion of the session, each participant was awarded a certificate of participation. DDA remains committed to providing training programs for tourism stakeholders.
For more information on Dominica, contact Discover Dominica Authority at 767 448 2045. Or, visit Dominica’s official website. See Dominica’s Updates on the tourism sector post-Hurricane Maria.
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