
Denise Charles Express Joy For Kickstarting Pointe Michel Multipurpose Court

MP for the Soufriere Constituency, Hon. Denise Charles, has expressed joy for the commencement of construction activities at the multi-purpose court in Pointe Michel. Billed for $170,000, Charles said the construction of the court is one of two projects she had for Pointe Michel and Soufriere.

According to her, the construction of the proposed multi-purpose court initially commenced before the passage of Hurricane Maria, but the project was halted and funds diverted because of the massive devastation the hurricane caused in most parts of Dominica. She said the recommencement of the project is due to the assistance of sponsors and partners and the eagerness of the DLP government to provide social infrastructure for the constituency.

It had to be halted after Maria because funds had to be re-diverted considering the devastation and the other priority needs of the village,” Charles explained. “But today with the help of our sponsors, considering the Government has so many projects to fund, I was able with their help and partnership to continue this project which is very important especially for the young people in the community.”

With seven local residents already employed for the construction project, Charles said everyone in Soufriere Constituency looks forward to the completion of the court which promises to be a great addition to the parish. She said the inauguration of the Pointe Michel multi-purpose hall will soon take place, and urged everyone to cooperate for the success of the project. 

This article is copyright © 2021 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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