DFP Calls for immediate action to revamp Dominica’s CBI Program
The Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) is deeply troubled by the recent decision of the United Kingdom (UK) to impose travel restrictions on Dominican nationals, requiring them to obtain an expensive visa before entering the country. This move is the inevitable result of decades of abuse, recklessness, and alleged malfeasance in the operation of Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Program (CBI). Now, Dominican citizens are left to bear the burden of a significant economic and travel freedom curtailment.
After listening to the Prime Minister’s response to the UK Government’s decision, the DFP finds his comments lackluster, disingenuous, rambling, and downright deceptive. Claiming that Dominica has the most effective and vetted CBI program in the face of clear evidence to the contrary shows the current administration’s duplicitous nature. The Prime Minister’s underwhelming attempt to put a positive spin on this devastating development strengthens the DFP’s conviction in the need for sound policies that will guide and rigorously manage the CBI program.
The CBI Program was originally designed and introduced by the Dominica Freedom Party government in the 1990s to catalyze economic growth and development in Dominica, attracting foreign investment and boosting the country’s infrastructure and socio-economic sectors. Unfortunately, the misuse and lack of proper oversight by the current government have led to what the UK Home Office characterized as “clear and evident abuse” of those countries’ CBI programs, “including the granting of citizenship to individuals known to pose a risk to the UK.”
As the DFP, we call on the incumbent government to take immediate action to address all the concerns raised by the UK and other nations about the CBI program. This should include implementing robust
regulations, conducting thorough background checks on applicants, and ensuring the program’s integrity.
Restoring Dominica’s reputation and credibility as a responsible international partner while safeguarding the interests of its citizens is vital. Furthermore, the government should initiate a constructive dialogue with UK authorities to demonstrate these fixes and seek a resolution that would allow for the lifting of the travel restrictions on Dominican nationals.
The DFP has steadfastly championed the principle of maintaining international cooperation and adhering to global security standards. In contrast, the current labor party administration has repeatedly shown that being a responsible global partner is a low priority. Their ineptness in developing a vibrant economy and a thriving society forces them to pay only lip service to due diligence in order to maintain an economy built solely on selling as many passports as possible. It is also clear that multiple billions of those funds are unaccounted for and allegedly reside in privately controlled foreign bank accounts.
In other words, the welfare of the many is being callously and cruelly sacrificed for the benefit of a few opportunists. This exploitation and cruelty now jeopardize the international rights and freedoms of all Dominicans. This cruelty and callousness must end.
However, the DFP fears that the international community has lost all confidence in the integrity and responsibility of this government, and the calls for conversations and negotiations may well be too late.
It is clear to the DFP that the only way to reestablish the integrity and progress of the CBI program and our national progress, in general, is for all Dominicans to rally to replace this careless and exploitative government. The wounds are too deep, and the damage is too severe to consider any alternative.
The DFP remains dedicated to working for the development of a thriving Dominican economy and society. We stand united in our pursuit of a transparent and accountable government that will uphold the values of integrity, good governance, and respect for the rights and dignity of our citizens.
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