
DFP congratulates Dr. Ellis Webster and his APM on the June 30, Anguilla general elections

The Dominica Freedom Party congratulates Dr. Ellis Webster and his Anguilla Progressive Movement on their victory at the polls in the general elections held on Monday, June 30, 2020. We wish Dr. Webster and his team well as they prepare to take up the responsibility of government for the next Five (5) years and advise that they remain focused on working in the best interest of all the people of Anguilla while upholding the democratic tradition of their island

We commend the people of Anguilla for taking their democracy seriously by participating actively in the electoral process and demonstrating that no single political party or individual have a monopoly on government or politics in Anguilla. This was clearly manifested at the polls on Monday, June 30, 2020, when they voted out the government and elected the opposition into government

The Dominica Freedom Party calls on the people of Anguilla to remain strong and resolute in the preservation of democracy while ensuring good and accountable governance and to continue their participation in the development process

The Anguilla Progressive Movement led by Dr. Ellis Webster won the general elections by securing four (4) of the single constituencies and three (3) of the at-large seats giving him and his party seven (7) seats to form the government out of the seven (7) single constituencies and four (4) at large seats making up a total of eleven (11) seats in the Anguilla National Assembly.

We also commend the Anguilla United Front, led by Mr. Victor Banks, whose party won three (3) of the single constituencies and one (1) of the at large seat while losing his own seat and the ten (10) independent candidates who unsuccessfully contested general elections.

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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Dominica Freedom Party

The Dominica Freedom Party is a centre-right political party that shares much of the same conservative principles (both social and economic) as the British Conservative Party. The DFP was a founding member of the International Democratic Union (IDU) to which the Republican Party of the USA, the British Conservative Party of UK and the Christian Democratic Party of Germany are members.

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