Press ReleaseTourism

Discover Dominica Authority launches monthly E-Newsletter

Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) has recently launched a monthly tourism e-newsletter to increase public awareness of the Authority’s functions and industry achievements. In going green, the Authority has migrated from its quarterly printed newsletter to a monthly e-newsletter. This action aligns with the destination’s brand of sustainable tourism development. Additionally, this new form of communication will reach and engage more readers instantly.

The newsletter will highlight activities undertaken by the Authority’s Product Development, Marketing, and Events departments, as the Authority seeks to attract 200,000 stayover visitors by 2023. It will also be used as a tool to feature the development of tourism stakeholders. The newsletter will contain clickable links to the Authority’s website where all articles will be accessible for future use. Each featured article contains vivid galleries to enhance the mind of the reader.

The newsletter is sent out monthly to cover the previous month’s activities. To sign up for DDA’s
monthly tourism newsletter, please email to be added to the listing. Or subscribe here: SIGN-UP

This article is copyright © 2022 DOM767

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Discover Dominica Authority

The Mission of the Discover Dominica Authority is to increase stay-over visitors to the country, thereby increasing revenues to the Commonwealth of Dominica, by strategically positioning and marketing Dominica as a premier adventure and responsible tourism destination in tandem with ensuring quality, environmental and cultural sustainability.

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